Commander's Corner
Commander's Corner
By Col. Deborah Pierce, CAP Nevada Wing CommanderHello, everyone! Spring is now upon us, even here in the North. That must be so because I've added the fuel stabilizer to my two snowblowers. That's a normal task for me once spring settles in - and it's about the only normal thing I've done this spring. As we all know these time are anything BUT normal. Due to the COVID-19 virus, we've all been holding virtual meetings and training courses, causing some of us to learn new technologies or get better at methods we already knew. We're having to "think outside the box" and some amazing improvisational things are happening. Our squadrons are realizing that there's often more than one way to get things accomplished and our Cadet Advisory Council - WOW! They are providing all kinds of activities for our cadets to stay engaged and work on their achievements. Promotions are happening, folks - despite the circumstances we're all in. That's a terrific thing to see!
As this pandemic continues to affect our state, there are folks out there who need help with getting food, basic living necessities, and the like. We are currently doing missions assisting the food banks in Las Vegas and working on lining up some for the North. We have been in contact with the state Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) people as well as the Nevada Department of Emergency Management (DEM) logistics and Elko County folks. PPE delivery missions through the DEM have begun in the North and DEM is looking for similar missions for the South. I know that everyone wants to help and we're doing what we can in that front. In the meantime, I know three people who are sewing face masks for caregivers: Wing PAO Capt. Maryan Tooker, CAP-USAF Lt. Col. Korsmo's wife, and Lt. Col. Gene Pasinski's wife. Anybody else out there? Let us know! Maybe some of you are doing other things to help too. Let us know!
Other results of the virus are that many people have been working from home and many people are not working at all because their places of business have been closed. NCSAs have been cancelled. Region Staff College and National Staff College have gone virtual. Portend of things to come, maybe? Another casualty of the pandemic is Nevada Wing Encampment 2020. The Encampment Command Staff and Cadre worked very hard to set everything up but unfortunately, for the sake of our members' health and safety, we had no choice but to cancel. The Encampment Commander, Lt. Col. Pete Goertzen and his staff are beginning to plan for 2021.
Everyone, please don't forget to submit to Silver Wings so everyone in the Wing can celebrate your successes, especially with us not meeting in person! We want to know what's happening with you.
Let's continue to work together in carrying out missions and being of assistance wherever we can, regardless of this virus. We're Civil Air Patrol - we adapt, improvise, and overcome! Please be sure to do social distancing and use masks always, gloves when necessary. I want you all to stay safe and healthy; we're Nevada Wing and we're family. Thank you all for what you do for our communities, State, and Nation!