Nevada Wing
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Commander's Corner

Commander's Corner

By Col. Carol L. Lynn, CAP
Nevada Wing Commander


Civil Air Patrol is a unique organization for many reasons, but also has aspects that are the same as all other organizations. One of those aspects is the need for accountability. 

Accountability is defined as an "obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions" and as such seems like a simple task. Being responsible for our own actions is only one piece of accountability when talking about organizations. 

Effective operations within an organization relies on its members taking responsibility for a piece (department) and making sure that through their actions, that piece (department) will fit with all of the other pieces (departments). CAP is no different from any other organization in this respect. But, WE are different because we are all volunteers. We are not paid to be accountable, we do it because of the type of people we are and our commitment to the missions of CAP. 

I am very proud that our Nevada Wing members take their responsibility for our success very seriously. We participate in multiple levels of accountability that overlap each other and enable our members to support and strengthen our Wing. 

We recently participated in our 2018 Staff Assistance Visit (SAV) that is conducted by a joint team of CAP-USAF and CAP members. Since we have been using a process titled "Continous Compliance" all departments were prepared and the day ended with a successful outcome. 

This commitment to accountability and the ability to perform at a high level in all three missions of CAP go hand in hand. Strong accountability practices from a solid foundation upon which to build a strong Wing. 

When members know that the basics are strung, the new and exciting are much easier to explore. 

I am proud of our Wing members and Wing Staff who make the commitment to take the time and care to make sure that accountability is embedded in everything we do. This graphic is a great checklist for defining the personal aspects of accountability:

Moving forward into new mission arenas makes CAP membership ever changing and exciting. Continuing to perform at high levels in existing mission areas makes Nevada WIng membership a privilege and an adventure. 

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